We are learning to identifying the Matariki star and we found that if we make a line through waiti and waita we Identify Matariki
kelly sports
On Tuesday Morning room 11 did kelly sports. When we got on the field we learnt how to tackle what are the passes called and how to do them and we learned how to play the ball. After all of the simple things we got straight to the contact games . The first game you needed a partner to do it with and you had to go on your knees and tackle them on their back. My partner was a really small and skinny kid called lance. The second game was going on your knees again and kinda playing octopus but with tackling and it was pretty hectic because my knees were hurting and it was hard to get to the other side since I was so slow. The third game was standing up and tackling but the first round I got tackled and became a tagger and when that skinny kid lance ran straight to me I made him do a flip. |
Waka – Ama : TEam tui
Team tui went on a school trip to waka ama. waka ama is kayaking and we learned how to paddle in it. when we got there we were split in to teams of 20. after setting up the teams we were taught hoe to paddle after that we pulled the kayak down and it was very hard. for the people that was no going on the boat played invisible touch and net ball tag.
Letter to oreo
last 2 weeks we had to act like a solider and write a letter to a speacial person but i did it to my dog.
Pyramid Vocab Task
today we were learning about diferent words and puting them in sentences and definitions and synonyms
my goofy rainderr
hi this is my goofy raindeer i think it looks good
because it looks like my cousin
facts about a kakapo
kakapo are flightless
kakapo are nocturnal
kakapo is the only lec breeding parrot in the world
kakapo is the longest lived bird in the wolrd
kakapo is the heavest parrot in the world
facts about kliwis
there are five species of kiwis.
kiwis almost have more in common with a mamal than a bird
kiwis chicks hatch fully featherd amd mor inderpendent
only 5% kiwis hactch in the forest and survive
the little spotted kiwi went from just 5 individuals to around 1.200